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Covid Cleaning Glasgow

Pest Control In Glasgow in Retail Premises

Pest Control In Glasgow in Retail Premises

24th of January, 2023

Do retail premises need pest control in Glasgow

If you run a retail outlet, then pest prevention and elimination is vital for your premises. Pests are a problem in all businesses, and this includes retail outlets. Rodent and insect pests can cause major problems for people who own/manage shops.

The main issues are stock damage, fouling, and loss of goodwill. Pests often attack the products you have for sale. They do this when looking for nutrients, harbourage, or materials to build nests. Some pests, such as rodents, can also create a terrible mess. They do this by urinating and defecating in your shop or storage area.

Why retail premises need pest elimination and control contract.

No matter the business type, pest control should be implemented. This is true whether you run a large grocery food outlet, microbrewery or cafe. Essentially, all retail stores should have a pest control contract in place to assist in maintaining a pest-free environment.

Remember, pests are primarily looking for food and in the winter months, warmth. To this end, all retail premises are potential targets. These pests enter your premises either via deliveries or due to their nocturnal nature during the night when most sites are closed. Rodents are omnivorous and are therefore not too fussy about what they eat and in turn, contaminate. This means that the food must be thrown away. If you fail to do this, your customers may get sick and there could be serious consequences.

Risk management for Pest Control

Pest control contracts are low-cost insurance to protect your premises. The size of your site is irrelevant, pest control makes sense. Pests are enormously destructive and you do not want them in your business. Whether it’s through destroying stock or contaminating the food you have for sale, or upsetting staff and customers alike, all pests leave a wake of destruction. This was noticeable in particular during the COVID-19

Don't wait until you have an issue, it is cost-effective to have an ongoing pest control contract service to meet your needs. Prevention is better than cure!

Call Pest-Master on 07949 020598 for a quotation and or advice.


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